HAL4SDV Kick-off Meeting

On the 11th-12th of June 2024, the HAL4SDV project continued the series of Kick-off Meetings with a second meeting dedicated to starting Transversal activities focusing on specific, dedicated topics of the HAL4SDV project.
For two days, more than 50 HAL4SDV partners participated in workshops dedicated to aligning activities in building blocks and the main Use Cases.
HAL4SDV project structures the work in six Transversal activities (Building Blocks):
• HW/SW Abstraction
• API & Interfaces
• Mixed-Criticality Integration Platform
• Cyber Security Orchestration
• Development Process Tools
• Integration, Testing, Simulation, Tools.
The technologies will be applied in four Core use cases:
• Chassis/powertrain domain
• Battery charging management
• ADAS/Autonomous Driving
• Execution environment for 3rd party Digital User Experience stacks
Thanks a lot to all partners for the successful HAL4SDV Technical Kick-off Meeting! It was a great chance to discuss starting Transversal Activities and HAL4SDV Use Cases! Thanks for the collaboration, and looking forward to the live meeting!

HAL4SDV receives funding within the Chips Joint Undertaking (Chips JU) - the Public-Private Partnership for research, development and innovation under Horizon Europe – and National Authorities under grant agreement n° 101139789.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the granting authority. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.