About the project
Our Mission and Core Values

SDV platform SoA based architecture, serving non-safety & safety-related applications
Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) architecture definition in context of a comprehensive “System + Software” approach
HAL developments - standardized interfaces to sensors, actors, compute resources and persistent storage, abstraction using hypervisors, HAL SW updates
HAL key software element updates
HAL for secure enclaves to build up zero-trust concepts
Cloud-based rapid prototyping for SDV
COVESA VSS and OSS SDV initiatives
IDS solution with the zero-trust framework
Security Support for automotive safety-relevant application
Security Support for automotive safety-relevant application
Portable functions (Web-assembly)
Model real-time capabilities and scalability of existing SDV solutions providing access to invehicle data
Unified mixed criticality deployment of a SDV system for providing access to in-vehicle data
Unified mixed criticality deployment of a SDV system for providing access to in-vehicle data
System model & Data analytics - Usage and development of a System model (Hardware & Software) for Nonfunctional characteristics for data/system analysis and possible optimizations
Development and configuration tooling, holistic virtualization/simulation environment
Real vehicle that demonstrates validity of test
Real Vehicle that Demonstrates
Validity of Approach
A real vehicle that demonstrates the approach by showing verified key functions from the safety-critical and non-safety-critical domains, including driving-by-wire, braking-by-wire, steering-by-wire.
Reference Implementation of Standard Software
Reference Implementation of Standard Software
A fully functional reference implementation of the standard software development framework, the hypervisor abstraction layer, and the abstraction layer for higher level vehicle functions.
Reference Architecture with Logical Center Computer
Reference Architecture with Logical Center Computer
Future-proof reference architecture with logical central computer that can adapt to different peripheral topologies and scale to different vehicle sizes.
Set of Modular Building Blocks with Managed Interfaces
Set of Modular Building Blocks with Managed Interfaces
Set of modular building blocks with managed interfaces that can be deployed to a logical central computer, adapted to different peripheral topologies and scaled to different vehicle sizes.
Work packages
WP1 is an overarching work package dedicated to Governance, Vision and derived strategic HAL4SDV goals in support of the coordination and project management. It defines in detail what is to be included and also acts as the interface to the CSA activity operating in parallel in support of the project.
Also, WP1 focus on cooperation and interface with the CSA project “FEDERATE” and definition of the overall SDV platform content and its implementation in HAL4SDV.WP2 is dedicated to the requirements capture and precise definition of the HAL4SDV developments resulting from the conducted R&D work such as the hardware abstraction layer components and the other work as defined in the transversal activities and harmonize the view among the partners. It is capturing the requirements for the non-differentiating, open-source developments to be carried out in the HAL4SDV project. It also investigates differentiating, safety-relevant developments including related requirements and how they would have to be connected to fulfil general safety-related requirements.
WP3 carries out all relevant simulation and modelling activities supporting the design process for the SW development. This applies to both the resulting HAL4SDV platform as a whole and the individual building blocks and components from the transversal activities and elements to be developed in the HAL4SDV project.
WP4 develops non-safety-relevant HAL4SDV components based on the WP1 layered architecture structure. The developments are targeted to be conducted for open-source and will focus on the abstraction layer and the measures in the middleware to be taken to embed the developed HAL4SDV architecture as a central element.
Since an overall HAL4SDV platform approach will also have to support safety-relevant applications, this domain will be conducted in parallel to the open-source activities. The focus will be on the interface to the open-source world and how to separate non-safety-relevant from safety-relevant parts of the SDV platform to comply with the safety requirements.
WP 5 endeavours to integrate the HAL4SDV Transversal Activities and Use Cases into the developed HAL4SDV platform architecture/structure and further bring it closer to a real environment for later component testing. The developments for the demonstrations will be carried out to finally integrate the developments for the system test and the V&V proof.
WP6 will focus on the HAL4SDV result testing and V&V evaluation. This includes the step-by-step testing approach which will start to test the developments and then subject them to further integration steps with the next levels of testing applied until the final integration is reached including final testing. To conduct that the WP will develop suitable test routines and will also design and develop the appropriate test environments. Finally, it will design and develop the demonstrators that will showcase the central developments of the HAL4SDV project.
WP7 aims to investigate and research the architectural considerations of safety-relevant implementations in the HAL4SDV platform. This is essential to later conduct follow-on activities that focus more directly on the safety-relevant parts of such a platform.
WP8 conducts all HAL4SDV project dissemination and exploitation activities. In addition, it cooperates with dedicated standardization bodies exchanging information and driving forward standardization activities related to the SDV results. Furthermore, it plays a leading role in establishing a working model for the project's open-source implementations and connecting to the appropriate open-source community.
WP9 coordinates and manages the HAL4SDV project and interfaces with Chips-JU and the national funding authorities. It will cover all managerial aspects of the project, such as handling all legal requirements and contracts, timely and efficient implementation of the work plan, and continuous monitoring of all HAL4SDV project activities, including tracking milestones, deliverables, demonstrators issued from the Transversal Activities, and project risk assessment.
Project sturcture

Transversal Activities
Transversal Activities

HW/SW Abstraction
API & Interfaces
Mixed-Criticality Integration Platform
Cyber Security Orchestration
Development Process Tools
Integration, Testing, Simulation, Tools

Mindset and Eco System

Software Maintenance and Updateability

Chassis/powertrain domain
Battery charging management
ADAS/Autonomous Driving
Execution environment for 3rd party Digital User Experience stacks
Security measures demonstrator
Mixed criticality computation for seamless integration and virtualization demonstrator
TSN communication for mixed criticality computation demonstrator
Use Case for non-safety-relevant, non-differentiating, open-source HAL4SDV platform performance
Digital Twin based demonstration
Virtual HAL4SDV laboratory platform for simulation on vehicle level
Experimental & demonstration vehicle with partial elements of HAL4SDV platform for CCAM tasks
HW/SW Abstraction
API & Interfaces
Mixed-Criticality Integration Platform
Cyber Security Orchestration
Development Process Tools
Integration, Testing, Simulation, Tools
About the project:

The HAL4SDV project's mission is to advance European solutions in software-defined next-generation vehicles. By focusing on unifying software interfaces and development methodologies, HAL4SDV will enable software configuration that abstracts from vehicle hardware, paving the way for a "software-defined vehicle (SDV)" approach for both safety-critical and non-safety-critical applications in future vehicles.

HAL4SDV receives funding within the Chips Joint Undertaking (Chips JU) - the Public-Private Partnership for research, development and innovation under Horizon Europe – and National Authorities under grant agreement n° 101139789.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the granting authority. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

About the project
The HAL4SDV project's mission is to advance European solutions in software-defined next-generation vehicles. By focusing on unifying software interfaces and development methodologies, HAL4SDV will enable software configuration that abstracts from vehicle hardware, paving the way for a "software-defined vehicle (SDV)" approach for both safety-critical and non-safety-critical applications in future vehicles.
Set of Modular Building Blocks with Managed Interfaces
Reference Architecture with Logical Center Computer
Reference Implementation of Standard Software
Real vehicle that demonstrates validity of test